This morning, a local female resident was up really early for work, so the roads where very quite and dark. She said a van came right up behind her and kept flashing their lights.
When she got to a clear over taking part of the road, to let the van over take, it stayed behind her. So she carried on to the motorway and he then it sped off, but there was another white van, exactly the same with orange flashers on it that followed the other van.
Now, this could be innocent, but a loan female driving on her own on dark country roads seems to me like some kind of setup by would be car thieves, or even worse. No shops or petrol station were open as it was very early.
So if this happens you, make sure you do not stop your car and make your way to a petrol station, gardai station etc. With crime rates increasing over the last few years, we need to be vigilant about these things, so stay aware.
Welcome to Crossakiel
Crossakiel is a small village 10 kilometers outside Kells and is famous for the Kells Motorbike Road Races. This website was setup to help promote local businesses and to provide a portal for residents regarding local news and information relating to the surrounding areas.
If you have any information in relation to activities in the village or would like to advertise your business or services, please email us via the contact form on the site.
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